Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Teaching Speaking


A.   Speaking As Productive Skill.
Speaking is one of the four language skills. If students want to speak English fluently, as Harmer says  [2oo7 ]    they have to be able to pronounce correctly. In addition, they need to master intonation, conversation, either  transactional or interpersonal  conversation. Transactional function has its main purpose  conveying information and facilitating the exchange of goods and service, whereas the interpersonal function is all about maintaining and sustaining  good relations between people. Speaking is called productive skill because  when we speak we produce the language.

B.    Speaking As Oral Communication skill.
When  communicating  his or her idea  some one utters  English sounds  and he or she expects  the response from the listener. Talking about communication, Harmer [1993] puts forward the nature of communication as  follow: Communication happens when the  listener can give the response to the speaker after the listener understands  the  message given. The message can not be understood when pronunciation is not clear This is the evidence that mispronunciation can cause the  students to have misunderstanding. In the following section the writers of the module provide  a review  of twenty vowel phonemes.

1.    Twenty Vowel  Phonemes
Studying a target language means studying its elements, which  consist of phonemes, morphemes, syntax and lexicon. Phonemes refer to words, syntax refers to grammar and structure and lexicon refers to meaning. Read more: https://app.box.com/files/0/f/0/1/f_19951607815

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